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Rose Tantra

Set your soul on fire!

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Create life altering transformation

by diving deep into the vulnerability of your heart and authenticity of your soul. 


What is Tantra?

Tantra is a wild and holy practice that teaches you how to deeply love yourself and another. 


Tantra guides you to reclaim parts of yourself that were lost or disconnected due to trauma, conflict, or shame. When these parts are allowed to be fully seen, expressed, and felt, they are able to re-integrate back into wholeness. 


When this stuck life force energy becomes free you are able to reclaim your power, open into greater pleasure with self and others, and embody divine self-love. 


In this state, you can naturally magnetize any desire towards you! 



A tantra session is a safe and guided space to release blockages using breath, sound, movement and more. Tantra works deeply, releasing through the mind, body and nervous system so that you can come back into the wholeness of yourself. 

Tantra deals with the very essence of the human experience. It does not exclude darkness, emotions, vulnerability, or sexuality.

Why Tantra?

Tantra can assist you in magnetizing your deepest desires towards you. 


E.g. attracting a partner or transforming your current relationship, pulling in your dream job, opening into your sexuality, creating more abundance or any lifestyle change.


Tantra will create radical shifts that change your life at it's very core. 

“Tantra is the hot blood of spiritual practice. It smashes the taboo against unreasonable happiness; a thunderbolt path, swift, joyful, and fierce. There is no authentic Tantra without profound commitment, discipline, courage, and a sense of wild, foolhardy, fearless abandon.”


— Chögyam Trungpa


I support women in relearning their deep feminine instincts, healing their emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies, and guiding their lives with profound heart-knowing.

Tantra, has been the key to me fully aligning with my wild woman within and has been ESSENTIAL to unlocking my deepest layers of healing. It has been by far the most magical tool I have found in reclaiming my WiLd essence and healing my heart.


This work is POWERFUL.


The journey of coming home to my self was one of deep trust, surrender to the unknown, and a pulling away from society and its forms. I travelled down into my core and turned inwards to face my truths, my fears, and gave permission for my body to work things out, as opposed to looking out into the world for answers. It was one of learning to trust my instincts and moving away from what my mind thought was “right”. 


My journey with Tantra has been profoundly transformative, allowing me to heal my heart, reclaim deep feminine instincts, and foster a beautiful inner union. This journey has brought me a profound sense of home and wholeness within myself. I cherish the gift of leading my life from a place of deep heart-knowing, which is my greatest strength and contribution.


It is my life’s purpose to work with women who are ready to create deep transformational change, heal their heart, and come into their authentic expression and wholeness of themselves.


It would be my deepest honour to walk with you through sacred ceremony and Tantra into a life completely aligned with your true essence, and fully awakened to your power and aliveness.

My devotion to you: 


I will show up fully for you as you walk the path home to the deepest remembrance of who you truly are. 


I will make sure that you feel fully seen, heard, and held, in sacred space at all times. 


I will help you magnetize your deepest desires towards you as you heal, awaken, and transform into your most empowered self.


I will be with you every step of the way as you embark on a journey of courage and radical transformation through the art of Tantra, sacred ritual, ceremony and embodied practices that will take you home to your wildest-wisest source of power and most authentic nature.


It would be my deepest honor to hold you in the safest, most sacred space, on this journey into wholeness.



Here's How We Can Work Together:

Work Together

Rose Tantra Discovery Session

In this single session, you will be guided through a 1:1 Tantra session. You will receive a somatic taste of what is possible when you are able to lean into whatever experience or blockage is presenting in your life, so it can be released and re-wired, allowing for greater states of ease, joy and freedom.


You can partake in these sessions through Zoom or in person. Discovery sessions are 90 mins-2 hrs and include tailored follow up practice aligned with your journey. Please note, I only offer one single session per client.


For those seeking a more extended journey, consider applying for the Rose Tantra mentorship.


Investment for single session is $222

1:1 Deep Feminine Movement

Rose Tantra 

Experience a transformative 4-month private program nurturing your innate wholeness from within. Enhance intuition and self-love, cultivate inner safety, and awaken inner freedom, empowering you to lead your life guided by deep heart-knowing.

You Will Receive: 


  • 9 x 90 min 1:1 Tantra sessions (in person or via zoom) 

  • Unlimited text and voice support via Voxer in between sessions 

  • Follow-up Deep Feminine Movement practices/Tantra tools for integration 


This Includes:​


  • An action plan to move from your current reality to the end result of your deepest desires. 

  • A custom daily practice and accountability system to keep you on track and ensure long lasting change.

  • Free clarity call to feel into working together and determine your No.1 deepest desire. We will prioritize your top 2 desires after that.

    • E.g. Attracting a partner, transforming your current relationship, magnetizing a new job or abundance toward you, or any lifestyle change you desire. 


  • A further 9 transformational 1:1 Tantra online/ or in person sessions with Sonja to align you with your core desires and shed your limiting beliefs at an embodied level so that you can own your holy divine erotic magnetising power. 


  • Powerful Tantric practices to rewire what is keeping you from attracting the life and relationship you desire. 

  • Guidance on how to confidently express yourself in all areas of your life.

  • Communication tools to catalyze change and growth in your relationships. 


  • Heart De-Armouring session to help you open your heart and feel fully alive. ​

    • Our hearts may have hardened over time due to grief, sadness, disappointment, and longing, blocking the natural flow of energy, and stopping love from being fully given and received. A heart de-armouring massage can help release the protective shield that we put around our hearts that protect us from feeling and living fully. Only when this armour is dissolved can we open up fully into ourselves, our life, our emotions and our sexuality. When we awaken the heart, we awaken the very essence of life and love.


  • Sacred sexuality practices to help you embody your pleasure, sensuality, and desires in a way that is unique to you.


  • Emotional detoxification to release the old and make way for the new.

  • Shadow Work to cultivate true power through meeting, accepting and integrating the unconscious parts of yourself. 

  • Womb Healing to help you embody love, feel and release stored toxic energy, trauma and/or attachments, connect to your vulnerability, awaken your creative power and feel the truth of your feminine essence.


  • Embodied mindfulness so that your attachments and resistance no longer control your reality.

  • A basic framework to overcome self-debilitating patterns and addictions for good


  • Initiation into powerful archetypes that will serve you in all areas of your life! 


If you're ready to invite the wild and holy practice of Tantra into your life so that you can create transformational results that change your life, please book a complimentary discovery call to inquire about working together. 


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Mason Babey, Environmental Engineer-In-Training

Working with Sonja changed my life. Six months ago, I would have laughed in your face if you were to tell me that I would no longer be taking anti-anxiety medication. Throughout my life, I’ve worked with many different therapists and tried different strategies for managing anxiety, but no one has come close to the amount of healing Sonja has helped me achieve.

At the beginning of our work together, I felt numb. Slowly, in the deep safety that Sonja created, I was able to peel back the layers and feel each and every one along the way. What Sonja and I accomplished together feels like more of an undertaking than putting man on the moon. I am eternally grateful!

Through daily practice, Tantra, cord cutting, Thai massage, soul-seeking, sacred tree healing, womb clearing, and many other offerings, Sonja designed a program specifically to provide the most benefit to my being. Being able to access Sonja when I needed her most made working with her added that extra layer of safety and helped me accomplish my goal – to lose the anxiety and feel more connected to my mind and body.

The lessons I’ve learned and time spent with Sonja have been worth every penny. A sound soul is priceless! I have the deepest love for Sonja for gifting me with this beautiful new start, and would encourage anyone desiring the same life altering transformations to work with her as soon as they could. As our journey comes to a close – I know I will be joining Sonja’s offerings for many years to come!

All my love,


Janine Fellner, BBA, RDH

I came to Sonja at a very difficult transitional period in my life. I was not sure what I needed or

wanted from her, but I knew I needed help and support. Instinctually it felt like a yes to work

with Sonja. People come into your path at the right time, and I am so very grateful that I did not

stifle that “gut yes” I initially had.


Previously, I could be described as “high strung” filled with anxiety and worry, often about

things I had no control over. Yet, even if,  could logically and rationally explain why I should not

be bothered, I could never remove the worry. I was not even fully able to recognize how my

nervous system was always in massive overdrive because I had no neutral state to compare it

to. Currently, I maintain a level of inner calm and peace that feels amazing to me in comparison

to my previous way of being. Somatic exercises and daily rituals have been a gift given to me

through Sonja.


Sonja has a way that allows me to trust her completely. I felt safe and supported during very

vulnerable sessions. She allowed me control, and with that, I then had the desire to push past

where I thought I could go, or rather, had ever allowed myself to go. Shadow work and inner

child work was very intimidating initially and yet they have a markable effect on me daily. I

now have an awareness of how my behaviours, thoughts, and feelings are being driven on a

very deep level. Therefore, this then allows me different choices in response.

I started with a few Thai massages, which led me to a wonderful journey with Sonja. If you are

considering working with Sonja, do it. You deserve to give yourself this gift.

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Rochelle Beaujot, Fitness Instructor

Before starting to work with Sonja I was making a huge life transition from a full time director largely confined to a desk to running my own fitness and travel fitness company. I felt like I needed to find my most ethnic self. Find who I truly am to love myself more fully.

I have always been drawn to my masculine self, feeling it to be the most powerful part of who I am and what I used to drive me to success. In working with Sonja I realize that my femininity has more power and brings more joy to me. I just have to learn how to utilize it properly. Through our work together I have been able to feel more confident in my body how I address people in my work and my family. I feel more confident in being emotional, I allow myself to feel instead of pushing my emotions away uncomfortable by them.

Sonja hold’s you in a space that is completely non-judgemental that is  warm and comforting. She was able to take me deep into some of the trauma that I have been through in my life and release my negative connections to let that trauma making me feel like I was off to a fresh start.

Sonia is amazing to work with and I would highly recommend her to anyone that needs to find connection with themselves.


Sydney Walter, Massage Therapist -In Training,Yoga Teacher

“Before working with Sonja, I was exhausted and had lost my thirst for life. I was mourning the end of a relationship, one that I had completely lost myself in. I had built a shield around myself and did not allow others in. When I met Sonja, I had felt a calling to work through my father wound, my capacity to receive, and living more in my feminine.

Since working with Sonja, the outcomes of our work together have been immediate. The way in which I walk through the world is different and I think others can see that. For the first time in my life, I have been able to forgive and receive. I feel like I can breathe again. Sonja held space for me to finally see myself for the woman that I am.

I have always been drawn to wild woman. I felt the call to work with Sonja on a very deep level. The moment I stepped into her magical space I knew. She held the most sacred container for me to feel safe to cry, dance, moan, scream, and grow.

Simply put, she changed my life. I will carry the teachings and wisdom she shared with me through life. I would recommend Sonja to any woman who feels the call from within. It is an investment into the self. I envision Sonja being a part of my journey for years to come. I am forever grateful to the healing that has occurred during our time together.”


Aimee Lee, Intuitive Register Massage Therapist/ Reiki Master

Sonja has this incredible ability and deep embodied wisdom to see the potential gifts within you that you have yet to unlock. Before working with Sonja 1:1 through the Rose Tantra program I was feeling so numb, powerless, voiceless and very low energy. Through body work, journey work and ritual just to name a few things, Sonja helped me rewire my nervous system to feel safe in my body. Finding that safety inside my body was the foundation to unlocking my voice, stepping into my power and following my own body's wisdom and whispers to help me make decisions, find my truest hearts desires and navigate through challenging situations which once would made me run for the hills or freeze up (go numb).If you've been feeling stuck, numb, powerless, voiceless etc. I highly recommend PPP. Absolutely worth the investment and more! Looking back, I can't believe how much I've grown. I will forever be grateful to Sonja and the journey we've been on together. Eternally grateful for you love, You've changed my life ”Aimee Lee, Intuitive Register Massage Therapist/ Reiki Master


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